
Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Code Switching

Definition of code switching
Code switching is defined as the practice of selecting or altering linguistic elements to contextualize talk in interaction. It also refers to the alternate use of two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation. Example of code switching of bahasa Malaysian and English is "Suami saya dulu slim and trim tapi sekarang plump like drum" (Before my husband was slim and trim but now he is plump like a drum). From the example we can see that they use their own language to substitute some words in foreign language.
Types of code switching
There are many types of code switching:
·         Situational code switching      : code switching varies according to situation.
·         Metaphorical code switching  : in conversation, code switching varies according to discourse function. (e.g., to include or exclude someone from a conversation, to convey intimacy, or to emphasize a message).
Code switching functions
The functions of code switching are different according to its scopes. For example, in code switching of children conversation, the functions are:
·         Representation of speech        : CS employed to represent talk.
·         Imitation quotation                 : CS involving imitation and change in tone of voice to play a particular character.
·         Turn accommodation              : CS occurring between speakers’ turns.
·         Topic shift                               : CS occurring due to a change of topic in conversation.
·         Situation switch                      : CS marking a switch between science talk and non-science talk.
·         Insistence                                : CS indicating a child’s persistence in a specific idea. The child usually repeated the same utterance in both languages.
·         Emphasis (command)              : CS used to put emphasis on a specific command.
·         Clarification or persuasion      : CS giving more information to clarify an idea or message.
·         Person specification                : CS occurring when children referred to another person during their conversation.
·         Question shift                         : CS indicating a switch in language when children had a question.
·         Discourse marker                    : Discourse markers are linguistic elements that do not necessarily add to the content of the utterance but act as markers of the context in which the utterance is taking place

Reyes, Iliana. 2004. Functions of Code Switching in Schoolchildren’s Conversations. Bilingual Research Journal. Retrieved from on 9 May
Cook, Vivian. Code switching. Retrieved from on 8 May
Nilep, Chad. 2006. “code switching” in Sociocultural Linguistic. Colorado Research in Linguistics, Volume 19. Retrieved from . on 3 May.

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